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Another Modest Proposal: Bomb China

As the U.S. Economy continues to lag and the energy crisis continues to heighten tensions, our friends the US Government have offered few solutions short of ordering Federal offices to reduce energy consumption by sending fewer emails. In fact, most of the US...

Cisco to Set Amteva Free…

I was just telling somebody earlier today that this was going to happen. -Ian. —- Thursday May 10 08:00 PM EDT Cisco to set Amteva free By Wylie Wong CNET Cisco Systems, which...

Relax, don’t do it…

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure dome defame? I felt the same way watching Front242 playing @ Lollapalooza in 1992. That spandex was just way too tight. Prepare yourself though, here’s a gig that will really make the 1980s seem tired: 22-07-99...