In online marketing, the idea that a consumer will see your advertisement and then immediately click through and become a customer has long been known to be fantasy. As a rule of thumb, advertising experts believe that it takes an average of five “impressions” of your...
It’s 10 a.m. on a wintery Wednesday and I am standing, backstage, in the Dragons’ Den studios at the CBC’s towering Toronto broadcast centre. A camera intrudes into my personal space and an associate producer is prodding me with questions: Am I ready? Am I worried?...
Entrepreneurs that are successful as sole proprietors are rare. Most often, success is the product of collaboration. Recently, I caught myself reading a New York Post article, as I very infrequently do, about the rise and fall of Lady Gaga, who received a tepid...
The ancient parable of the fox and the hedgehog has come into increasing view in popular culture lately. And while its origins are somewhat ambiguous, the allegory has been applied to entrepreneurs, scientists, philosophers, playwrights, business leaders, economists,...
A kid in New Hampshire has developed stealth goalie pads, which he claims have increased his save percentage. Stupid, but novel…. not unlike Gary Bettman. What do I think, you beg? Over the years I have used many different leg pad designs including a white...
In this series I will be posting pieces semi-monthly containing my philosophies on web marketing, product design and conception, and of course Entrepreneurship. While the title looks like a grammatical error, it ain’t. “Great” is what your ideas,...
Ian Andrew Bell has been bending bits into business since 1993. He created Tingle, RosterBot, RingCentral, and other things celebrated and ignominious.
He is also a Hockeyist, Motorcyclist, and Aviation Enthusiast. Follow him on twitter as @ianb or find him on LinkedIN.