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Twitter Updates for 2009-05-25

Cool #rosterbot promo t-shirt just released: Scotland Hockey ( FTW!) # Powered by Twitter Tools.

Tuffmail: Still the best IMAP service provider I can find..

Here’s a question:  Where do you host your email? Gersham and I are rather well-known for a business we started in 2002 called Geekmail.  By 2003, we were on the cutting-edge of IMAP-based email hosting and ran thousands of mail accounts on a cluster of 9...

Twitter Updates for 2009-05-22

@willsasso know any stupid tricks? in reply to willsasso # Need a couple of spares for a league game tonight @ Kits Arena … msg me if you’re interested. #Hockey #Vancouver # Beware the Social Media Charlatans filed under my “damn,...

Twitter Updates for 2009-05-21

@chr1sa Yes, actually… but you couldn’t use them simultaneously. Put your XBL ID on a memory stick and move it between the XBOXes. in reply to chr1sa # @timbray Anything you see on TV, print, or billboard now was likely bought & paid for six months...
The Fox and the Hedgehog: Which one are you?

The Fox and the Hedgehog: Which one are you?

“The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.” — Archilochus Which one are you?  The ancient parable of the fox and the hedgehog has come into increasing view in popular culture lately.  And while its origins are somewhat ambiguous, the...