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Roxio Bought Napster..

Oops. Missed this one. -Ian. —ý_top By Margaret Kane Staff Writer, CNET November 15, 2002, 6:01 AM PT Roxio, which makes CD-burning software, is acquiring virtually all the assets of Napster, the former...

Blogging on Steroids.. tc_nf/20064 Microsoft Creating Virtual Brain Fri Nov 22, 1:02 PM ET James Maguire, Researchers at Microsoft’s (Nasdaq: MSFT – news) Media Presence Lab are...

We Don’t Need Carriers..

What if we had our own spectrum and every new cellular phone added to that network increased its capacity, rather than diminished it? If 802.11 is any benchmark, grass roots decentralized technologies can grow quickly, especially when you take the Service Provider OUT...

AOL In A Catch-22…

While AOL tries to find its own ass in the dark, mired in politicking and various other encumbrances, Microsoft and Yahoo are out partnering with RBOCs to get DSL locked and loaded into their service offerings. RBOCs are starting to realize that they can’t drive...

Fun With Sodium Explosions.. I’d read about, and heard stories about, throwing sodium into water. It’s a classic thing chemistry students do in college, and based on the reports I have been able to find on the internet, they are...

Hunting For Dirty Bombs.. Hunting a Deadly Soviet Legacy Concerns About ‘Dirty Bomb’ Drive Efforts to Find Radioactive Cesium By Joby Warrick Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, November 11, 2002; Page A01...