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More NHL teams should salute their fans

Since the 1970s, Vancouver hockey fans have endured a club that has been roller-coaster at best and horrifyingly bad at its worst, often never making the playoffs and even more often getting drubbed in the first or second rounds by clearly superior teams.  Since my...

The Yellow Pages: Adapt or die?

While there is much kvetching and hand-wringing of late regarding impending demise of the dead-tree business (sic) that is the newspaper industry, there is another dead-tree business that is descending quickly toward irrelevance:  The Yellow Pages. Every year,...

Still a lot more bottom in Vancouver Real Estate

This just in:  Vancouver has been ranked fourth on the world’s list of least affordable cities.  This is well ahead of cities like Manhattan, San Francisco, London, Paris, and Hong Kong.  As most rational people know, the city’s thundering real estate...

Mats Sundin: Summer Rental

Welcome, Mats Sundin, to Vancouver.  I will enjoy the six months you spend in our fair city, but I won’t expect to see you for much long afterward.  In the meantime, I hope that too many deckchairs aren’t reordered to make room for you, because all of...

Vancouver’s 20 Most Web-Connected Individuals

My soon-to-be-wife often criticizes that I spend too much of my life attached to my MacBook Pro. This assertion has now been validated by the Vancouver Sun and NowPublic, who graciously ranked me at #15 in their article documenting Vancouver’s most...