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IBM buys PWC Consulting

…just so you don’t think I wasn’t paying attention. This is a pretty big deal considering the environment. It prevents PWC Consulting from having to IPO in order to raise operating capital to meet its independence requirements from PWC LLC, the...

Stamp Out HTTP

Despite the signatories to Don Box’s paycheck he is correct in assessing that HTTP has reached the end of its usefulness as a protocol for delivering applications. Even Tim Berners-Lee thinks so. Of course, HTTP will always be with us for the simple accessing...

AOL Linux?

AOL might be buying Red Hat. This is probably the clearest shot across the bow of our friends in Redmond. Not only could AOL be a trojan horse to deploy Linux on to desktop PCs, but AOL would be purchasing yet another of Microsoft’s died-in-the-wool enemies. I...

Bob Cringely Make His Predictions for 2002

I’d say that in past years, 70% accuracy is being rather forgiving, however Bob IS an industry luminary and he does tend to know what he’s talking about. -Ian. —– The 70 Percent Solution...

HP Buys Compaq Tuesday September 4 12:00 AM ET Hewlett-Packard Buying Compaq PALO ALTO, Calif. (AP) – Hewlett-Packard is buying fellow computer maker Compaq Computer for an estimated $25 billion, a deal...