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Rachel Marsden: On the warpath again!

If I had a category on my blog called “cautionary tales for bachelors”, this would be the headliner story. It informs the wisdom of an increasingly common practise, whereby when you meet some reasonably attractive yet complex member of the opposite sex,...

Vancouver Goalies Mailing List..

There’s now a mailing list for Vancouver Goalies hosted at Google.  A great way for goalies to find spares and talk about whatever.  Why didn’t I think of that? Doh.

iPhone Mania Persists Despite Apple’s Cold Shoulder

As Liz Gannes reports, iPhone mania persists in NYC, with folks lining up at 3AM clutching fistfuls of twenties to buy iPhones five at a time — for export to Europe. This despite the fact that Apple has been throwing cold water on the whole iPhone unlocking...

Google Buys Postini

As GigaOM reported, Google announced the $625M acquisition of Postini this morning, which was not unforeseen. With Cisco’s $800M acquisition of Ironport (which was hardware-based), Symantec’s $300M acquisition of Brightmail (which channeled its services...

Search Goes Open-Source

If you happen to be, like me, in the throes of hoisting a company that incorporates some flavor of Search technology as a key capability, you know that its value in managing and sorting the torrent of internet information pouring out of blogs and everything else these...