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Another Modest Proposal: Bomb China

As the U.S. Economy continues to lag and the energy crisis continues to heighten tensions, our friends the US Government have offered few solutions short of ordering Federal offices to reduce energy consumption by sending fewer emails. In fact, most of the US...

Power Strategies..

I’ve been a VERY BAD BOY lately about posting to FOIB, which goes to prove that my current man-of-leisure philosophy is going to my head. I wrote this article a few weeks ago, ostensibly for the Vancouver Sun. They of course had their heads inserted in various...

Re: [Stock Market] The Great Humiliator Strikes Again.

Heya, Go check out Greg: lensch [at] bt [dot] com Brick: brickler [at] bt [dot] com -Ian. At 08:08 AM 14/12/99 -0600, you wrote:>Ian, > >How are things going? Where are you located these days? What the hell >happened to the Stars? > >Seriously, I...

[Stock Market] The Great Humiliator Strikes Again.

Adam’s always worth forwarding due to his useful but infrequent tirades about the impending burst of what shall heretofore be known as “The Bubble” (see below). But First! Here’s my unintentional tirade: Bill Joy’s article last month on...