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On Microsoft and Schadenfreude

The blogosphere is all a-twitter about yesterday’s East Texas court judgment, which previously awarded $290 Million to appropriately-named Canadian patent troll i4i (well, OK, not exactly a troll) and further granted them an injunction preventing Redmond from...

The Department of Homeland Security Ate My Homework…

GMU grad student compiles extensive map of US fiber optic networks, starts people worrying: 2003Jul7.html?nav=hptop_tb Dissertation Could Be Security Threat Student’s Maps Illustrate...

News Flash: War in Iraq Is About Oil?

Okay, I’ll admit to skimming this, however this might explain why EU resistance to this action in Iraq was so fierce.. and is yet another perspective on the overly-simplistic “War is about oil” mantra. -Ian. —-

Flying The Unfriendly Skies… Flying the unfriendly skies Mar 22nd 2003 From The Economist Global Agenda America’s big airlines say the war in Iraq could make their current dire predicament turn catastrophic. But this may not be...

Nortel Up?

Well, I guess I was somewhat correct about the short term win on Nortel. As you’ll recall from Monday, I bought my Nortel for about $0.72 and I just sold at today’s close for about $1.07 (US Priced). Not a bad return for a four day investment. I suspect...