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Google is a Kludge – Or Why Search is Going to Change

Despite the fact that I often find myself on the opposing end of the table on most of what Microsoft does, I was really hoping to be able to agree with Ballmer on his assertions regarding Microsoft’s rejuvenated focus on search as quoted in today’s...

Content Management Systems: Will WordPress kill Drupal?

My friend Daniel Gibbons is shopping for a CMS for his new project. He’s posted interesting and in my view fairly accurate comments regarding Drupal and WordPress. I’m quite the fan of WordPress, have spent a little bit of time with Matt and the Automattic...

Lypp @ Launch

Tonight at Vancouver’s Launch Party event, Lypp’s Erik Lagerway will be talking about their new service and API.  Earlier today I talked about MaxRoam and its game-changing technique to defeat mobile roaming and long-distance costs.  Both companies are...

Jeff Raskin’s THE Guy

Interesting that Raskin is essentially using the open source community to promote his book. Obviously not his sole intent, but an interesting lateral benefit.. -Ian. —– Jeff Raskin: About The Humane Environment There is a...

The Golden Age of Hacking?

I would imagine the real golden age was when you needed to be more than just a script kiddie to hack into a network. Back in the day, hacking was one part social engineering, one part software engineering, and one part magic. -Ian. —–...