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Picking Fights In Ulster.. Publication Date: 16 July 2003 The victims of Ulster’s new bigotry David McKittrick on a disturbing trend in Northern Ireland By Features Editor email:  featureseditor [at]

Bush & Blair

As the world watches Tony Blair twist in the wind as his political career wanes with accusations of Dodgy Dossiers and his misleading of parliament, the domino drops onto the Bush administration as accusations begin to fly on this side of the Atlantic. The precedent...

VoIP Taking Off in Africa…

The New York Times: Searching for a Dial Tone in Africa By G. PASCAL ZACHARY 05VOIC.html?pagewanted=all CCRA, Ghana, July 3 — The Internet bubble has long since popped in the United States, Europe and Asia....

Interesting Perspective on Anti-Americanism DITORIAL MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2003 Racial Tension and Anti-Americanism By KELLY COOK Not since the O.J. Simpson murder trial has the country been this divided. In 1994, the infamous case separated U.S. citizens between racial...