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Why there’s no Kindle for Canada

Canadians want their Kindle.  The device, which Forrester predicts Amazon will sell 1.8 Million copies of during 2009, is becoming a force in the publishing industry — and may well be Amazon’s iPod.  As an example of its early impact, fully 5% of the...

Rogers Wireless iPhone 3G = FAIL

Have you had problems returning a damaged iPhone to Rogers Wireless?  If so, I’d like to hear about it in the comments. It has been a year since Apple and Rogers Wireless launched the iPhone 3G in Canada.  It was that summer, in 2008, I unloaded my...

iPhone 3G Launch: Big media black-eye for Rogers

Even after the stores opened and the customers have packed home with their lawn chairs, the disaster that has been the iPhone’s launch in Canada continues to ring (pardon the pun) in the ears of consumers. I took a spin around Vancouver on my motorcycle (sorry,...

Rogers Communications iPhone Backlash Solution: Unlock the 3G, Too

In a week, when Apple FanBoys are lined up outside the Rogers and Fido stores to purchase their iPhones and get locked into Rogers’ draconian service plan for the next three years, yours truly wil be cooling his heels waiting for a shipment from the UK to arrive...

iPhone For Canada in December

Earlier this year GIZMODO announced the obvious, that Rogers Wireless would eventually launch the iPhone in Canada, based on the ever-reliable “confirmation from customer service” which took the form of an apparent email… this turned out to be a...