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Twitter Updates for 2009-06-28

Party for @maurar at Bar None # Going for steaks with Homenick @ Hy's. He pays. What could be better than that? # Powered by Twitter Tools.

Twitter Updates for 2009-06-28

Party for @maurar at Bar None # Going for steaks with Homenick @ Hy's. He pays. What could be better than that? # Powered by Twitter Tools.

Twitter Updates for 2009-06-27

Best album covers evar! # @ethank How is Netscreen's config tool? Better than IOS et al? Suitable for most homes? in reply to ethank # Powered by Twitter Tools.

Twitter Updates for 2009-06-26

RIP Michael, Farrah, and now the FLY? This will certainly kill the Green Revolution for those of us in the west # @Dick I'm sure there's a business model to be leveraged on the four-letter version. 🙂 in reply to Dick # @ethank Wow. Great...

Twitter Updates for 2009-06-25

Waking up to another beautiful Vancouver June rainshine. # @jeffpulver Good night! 🙂 in reply to jeffpulver # Powered by Twitter Tools.