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Twitter Updates for 2009-05-19

@PhillyMoms emailed me today to tell me how cool she thinks #RosterBot is.. Soccer Moms FTW! # South Carolina Attorney General Henry McMaster = Douchebag. Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster layeth the smacketh down: # Wow. #Adium now has a twitter user...

Twitter Updates for 2009-05-18

learned about the LA #earthquake on Twitter, but the big thing is for the first time I didn’t need to go to the web for further details. # … doesn’t need two XBOX360s: # Powered by Twitter Tools.

Twitter Updates for 2009-05-17

@Dick Happy Bachelor Party, my friend… wish I could join you. in reply to Dick # Can eating 1-2 cups of yogurt per day really stem years of allergy suffering? My personal experience: yes! # What impact does a big-money goalie have on team...

Follow-up to C-17 Crash

One of the most popular articles on my blog recently was a post about C-17s encountering difficulties landing at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.  The US Air Force announced recently that they had completed their investigation into the incident, essentially concluding...

Twitter Updates for 2009-05-15

RT @advanceresearch:New blog post: Whither Google, so goes the Web # Jesse Ventura: “Give Me a Water Board, Dick Cheney and One Hour, and I’ll Have Him Confess to the Sharon Tate Murders” – # Powered by...