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New World Disorder

Peace in the Middle East, Bush Family-Style. The UN Security Council vetoed the invasion of Iraq and thus the UN did not support it, yet it realized its mandate and went into Iraq anyway hoping to help restore order… Actually, the UN already had an envoy and an...

FCC Lifting AOL’s IM Interoperability Requirement?

So this is a somewhat deceiving article… I can’t tell what the real net is: – Is AOL getting the right to offer Video and other advanced features, or – Is AOL no longer obligated to work toward allowing competitors to use their network? –...

Can You Hear Me Now

And so the fleecing or the Iraqi people begins… -Ian. Begin forwarded message: > From: Tom > Date: Fri Aug 1, 2003 9:32:24 AM US/Pacific > To: fork [at] xent [dot] com > Subject: Can You Here Me Now > >> From > > Middle East mobile...

United States Marines: Kidnappers…

In the Bush administration’s latest breach of the Geneva Convention, US forces in IRAQ are now kidnapping the wives and families of suspected Ba’ath party collaborators and holding them hostage to force those Ba’athists to turn themselves in....


Begin forwarded message: > From: Gregory Alan Bolcer > Date: Thu Jul 31, 2003 11:24:16 AM US/Pacific > To: FoRK > Subject: DMCA > > I agree wrt due diligence and judicial oversight and > privacy protections. > > Greg > > > GOOD MORNING SILICON VALLEY > By John...

AOL Gets Its Dead Reckoning…

AOL didn’t lose 846,000 subscribers. It never had them in the first place. -Ian. —– washpost/20030724/tc_washpost/a32817_2003jul23 AOL Subscribers Down by 846,000...