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Microsoft’s Kick-Ass PDA prod_specs.asp?p_id Overview With the Pocket PC Phone Edition from T-Mobile you can achieve the next level of productivity. A combined phone and organizer, it includes pocket versions of Microsoft Word and...

The Great Power-Shortage Myth

Begin forwarded message: > From: “Mises Daily Article” > To: > Subject: The Great Power-Shortage Myth > Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 08:41:51 -0500 > >> > fullstory.asp?control53 > > The Great...

CTheory on Cultural Pessimism

Begin forwarded message: > From: “A. Kroker” > Date: Wed Sep 25, 2002 12:21:44 PM US/Pacific > To: ctheory [at] concordia [dot] ca > Subject: Article 112 – Cultural Pessimism > Reply-To: “A. Kroker”...

I Love You Honey…,,t269-s2122704,00.html Wife ‘hired a hitman’ to kill CEO 16:56 Monday 23rd September 2002 Matthew Broersma The ex-wife of Jon Molyneux, former chief executive, admitted in court to paying a man to kill...

Inside the Rolling Stones, Inc.

——— 9509 Inside the Rolling Stones Inc. The Rolling Stones are an astounding moneymaking machine. Here’s how Mick Jagger & Co. have perfected the business model behind...

Yahoo & SBC Team Up on Broadband…

An interesting combination really. SBC can’t convince enough people to buy DSL over regular modems because there’s no high-speed content. Yahoo! (allegedly) makes money by providing all forms of content and could make more money by providing high-speed...