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Paying More for Local Wireless Calls.. Calling cell phones could cost more Wednesday, October 23, 2002 Posted: 9:15 AM EDT (1315 GMT) NEW YORK (AP) –Here’s another reason to check your telephone bill closely. A subtle...

Anthrax Conspiracy? One year since the anthrax attacks on the US Congress By Patrick Martin 24 October 2002 The Bush administration and the American media have passed by the anniversary of the anthrax attacks on leading...

The History Of The Inkjet…

No great insights here.. just a great read. One thought does occur though… with the disemboweling of places like General Magic, Xerox PARC, Bell Labs and HP R&D, where will newer, long-lead technology innovation come from? -Ian. ——-...

Nortel Up?

Well, I guess I was somewhat correct about the short term win on Nortel. As you’ll recall from Monday, I bought my Nortel for about $0.72 and I just sold at today’s close for about $1.07 (US Priced). Not a bad return for a four day investment. I suspect...

Widening Inequality and the Envy Politic

George W. Bush should be glad that CNN and CNBC are being plastered with aerial shots of crime scenes from the random killings in and around DC. Before the Washington Sniper started popping suburbanites, America was just starting to get down to a serious discussion of...

Amerikanski Idol… MOSCOW, Russia (AP) — Russia’s biggest television station announced Tuesday it was teaming up with the country’s space agency to create a reality show that will be literally out of...