A Bulletproof Mind November 10, 2002 By PETER MAASS Maj. Christopher Miller lay awake on a cot in a filthy room, no larger than a prison cell and cluttered with weapons and ammunition. He couldn’t sleep. It was a cold January night at the Special Forces base in...
http://www.nytimes.com/2002/11/11/national/ 11HOLL.html?ex37979389&ei=1&enU6a524378c3e3fd Polishing Hollywood’s Image Starts From the Sidewalk Up November 11, 2002 By CHARLIE LeDUFF HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 10 – It is commonly said at cocktail parties...
to my knowledge this is the first time this story has bubbled up in the major media. Let’s hope the debate gets more air before some other psychopath starts killing people and diverts our attention away from issues that are actually important. -Ian. —...
http://www.nytimes.com/2002/11/10/automobiles/10BOND.html?8hpist The Spy Who Drove Me By PHIL PATTON POOR Q. In one James Bond film after another, the top secret service engineer has provided whiz-bang gizmos for the cars that Agent 007 drives. The Aston Martin...
http://www.nytimes.com/2002/11/09/business/worldbusiness/09TRAD.html November 9, 2002 Global Trade Looking Glass: Can U.S. Have It Both Ways? By DANIEL ALTMAN Policies adopted by the Bush administration to advance specific domestic and international goals are...
http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/business/4481316.htm Posted on Sat, Nov. 09, 2002 story:PUB_DESC McDonald’s to close 175 locations, cut jobs By Deborah Cohen Reuters CHICAGO – Fast-food giant McDonald’s said Friday that it will shut down about...
Ian Andrew Bell has been bending bits into business since 1993. He created Tingle, RosterBot, RingCentral, and other things celebrated and ignominious.
He is also a Hockeyist, Motorcyclist, and Aviation Enthusiast. Follow him on twitter as @ianb or find him on LinkedIN.