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Fwd: The air industry’s worst nightmare

During a discussion about why Al Qaueda allegedly missed the El Al flight in Kenya with their Stinger I wrote the following response.. Also, if you have no idea what I’m talking about, check this: -Ian. Begin forwarded...

The Future: 1964 November 28, 2002 Mr. Watson, Come Here, You Look a Little Blurry By DAVID POGUE A MAN in New York makes a phone call. But instead of just holding a handset to his head, he watches a small screen on the...

What’s On Your Mind?

I’ll tell you what >I< want for Christmas... I want a small arty-looking objet of some sort that displays up-to-the-minute Google search terms from the Live Query feed to use as a paperweight, on my wall, etc. Bonus if it has 802.11 built-in. That'd be cool geek...

Gifts For Nerds.. A838809EC588F2D7 November 25, 2002 Top SciTech Gifts 2002 Still haven’t found presents for the science fans on your list? Before you brave the cold and the holiday crowds again, take a look at our...

Genuity’s Toast, Bought By Level3 20021128/ap_on_hi_te/genuity_bankruptcy Genuity Files for Bankruptcy Protection Wed Nov 27,10:22 PM ET Add Technology – AP to My Yahoo! By JUSTIN POPE, AP Business Writer...

Repost: Manhattan’s Milosevic

With Henry Kissinger being announced as the new head of the September 11 Investigation this article, forwarded to FOIB last summer, gains new relevance. Given Kissinger’s personal stake and his ties to the REpublican party, is there any hope of an unbiased,...