Forbes 85th Anniversary How to Ruin American Enterprise Benjamin J. Stein, 12.23.02 We’re well on our way to squelching what gives this country an edge. What would it take to kill innovation...
This must be seen to be believed.. Hey kids, let’s re-enact the Battle of Mogadishu in the playroom! Coming soon from G.I. Joe: dead baby figurines and mortally wounded Kosovar... newsArticle.jhtml?type=technologyNews&storyID60511 AT&T, IBM, VCs Set Up Wireless Internet Company Thu December 5, 2002 05:51 PM ET NEW YORK (Reuters) – AT&T Corp. T.N , International Business Machines Corp. IBM.N and...
I first discovered Karyn, the internet panhandler, last August: Apparently, it works (for cute, aloof girls, anyway). She paid off her $20K debt. -Ian....
Important research material for shoe fetishists… -Ian. — Mathematics unravels optimum way of shoe lacing 19:00 04 December 01 Rachel Nowak, Melbourne The knotty problem of choosing the optimum way of... Hi! I’m Sally, and I’m Johnny Welcome to our website: Black People Love Us! We are well-liked by Black people so we’re psyched (since lots of Black people don’t like lots of White people)!! We thought...
Ian Andrew Bell has been bending bits into business since 1993. He created Tingle, RosterBot, RingCentral, and other things celebrated and ignominious.
He is also a Hockeyist, Motorcyclist, and Aviation Enthusiast. Follow him on twitter as @ianb or find him on LinkedIN.