Few Takers for CD Settlement Cash By Associated Press Story location: http://www.wired.com/news/digiwood/0,1412,57111,00.html 09:15 AM Jan. 07, 2003 PT OLYMPIA, Washington — Suppose someone was handing out $20 bills and almost nobody wanted one? That’s...
http://messenger.msn.com/default.asp?client=1 The page cannot be displayed There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed. Please try the following: * Open the messenger.msn.com home page, and then look for links to the information...
http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue7_11/tuomi/index.html The Lives and Death of Moore’s Law by Ilkka Tuomi Moore’s Law has been an important benchmark for developments in microelectronics and information processing for over three decades. During this time,...
http://grotto11.com/blog/slash.html?+1039831658 Friday, December 13, 2002 18:07 – What makes IE so fast? Internet Explorer on Windows always seems either to run impossibly fast (page requests are fulfilled almost before the mouse button has returned to its...
http://news.com.com/2100-1040-979204.html?tagý_lede1_hed Apple banks on digital media harvest By Joe Wilcox Staff Writer, CNET News.com January 6, 2003, 4:00 AM PT Apple Computer on Tuesday is expected to unveil a new portable product aimed at bolstering the...
I have long been an advocate of making the “i” lower case in “internet”. To capitalize it, as Joseph Turow insists, is to imply that it is a place, thing, or brand; which can be controlled, owned or managed. It’s not. In fact, I would...
Ian Andrew Bell has been bending bits into business since 1993. He created Tingle, RosterBot, RingCentral, and other things celebrated and ignominious.
He is also a Hockeyist, Motorcyclist, and Aviation Enthusiast. Follow him on twitter as @ianb or find him on LinkedIN.