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Going It Alone a la Gaga is Not the Best Formula

Going It Alone a la Gaga is Not the Best Formula

Entrepreneurs that are successful as sole proprietors are rare. Most often, success is the product of collaboration. Recently, I caught myself reading a New York Post article, as I very infrequently do, about the rise and fall of Lady Gaga, who received a tepid...
Which Leader Are You…  A Fox?  Or a Hedgehog?

Which Leader Are You… A Fox? Or a Hedgehog?

The ancient parable of the fox and the hedgehog has come into increasing view in popular culture lately. And while its origins are somewhat ambiguous, the allegory has been applied to entrepreneurs, scientists, philosophers, playwrights, business leaders, economists,...
Punt the F-35, Protect Canada’s Soldiers Now

Punt the F-35, Protect Canada’s Soldiers Now

The following is my letter to Jack Harris, the NDP’s Defence Critic, regarding what I fear is the pending confirmation of the purchase of the F-35 Lightning II by Canada’s government.  This after I recently read a staggeringly overstated defense of the...
How To Bomb Big Cable

How To Bomb Big Cable

The breakup of the Bell System, and the shifting tides in our approach to the regulation of communications in the US, was likely the single-most important precursor to the growth of the Consumer Internet.  Without these, consumers would never have been able to...
Apple’s Massive Cash Glut

Apple’s Massive Cash Glut

Apple Now Has $121.3 Billion In Cash according to TechCrunch.  Here are some creative things they could do with that horde (but likely won’t) that would still be fun to imagine. Field the world’s most powerful Air-to-Air Fighting Force At $150M fly-away...