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  • Lean on a goalie game after game, no matter how good, and eventually he’ll break — they better he is the worse he implodes. #Canucks #FAIL #
  • @kk I’m flattered! in reply to kk #
  • Is glad he played hockey tonight rather that watching the #Canucks shit the bed yet another year #
  • #Chicago has been Khabibulin’d again. 🙂 #Canucks #
  • Um, when are the #Canucks showing up for tonight’s game? nine minutes in I can see only a handful of NHL-calibre players in white jerseys. #
  • RT @advanceresearch:New blog post: Fantastic 3D Visualization in Sports – Where NBA players scored from 2007/2008: #
  • @DaveO From your next tweet, looks like you’re still coding. in reply to DaveO #

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