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Online Dating is so cool!

Y’all might remember Susan Smith, who felt a little depressed one day and decided to strap her two kids into their child seats in the family SUV and roll it into a lake, drowning them. As she watched the truck gurgle to the bottom of the lake she concocted a far-flung story about a car-jacking and eventually went on national TV to plea for the return of her missing children.

Later, in jail, she got in trouble for enticing some prison guards to have sex with her, thus proving that lifetime incarceration is no reason to cramp one’s style.

Anyway, Susan is lonely! She posted a $40 ad on a site called seeking non-judgemental pen pals. Care to write her?


——- Introduces: Ms. Susan Smith

I am 31 years old.  My birthday is September 26.  I am looking to meet new people and, hopefully, become friends.  During my spare time, I enjoy reading, working puzzles, and writing.  I love rainbows, Mickey Mouse, the beach, the mountains, and waterfalls.  My favorite color is navy blue and my favorite flower is the daisy.  I am a Christian and I enjoy attending church.  I consider myself to be sensitive, caring, and kind-hearted.  I’m currently serving a life sentence on the charge of murder.  I have grown and matured a lot since my incarceration, but I will always hurt for the pain I’ve caused so many, especially my children.  I hope to receive letters from those who are not judgmental and who are sincere.  I look forward to hearing from new people and, hopefully, finding new friends.  May God bless each one of you!