I know you’re sitting there asking yourself, “who is the most evil person on the planet?”. Wonder no more, your local search engine will tell you. Just search for the phrase +”
Phrase: Google Hotbot +”Bert is EVIL” 14700 5100 +”Microsoft is EVIL” 1730 1600 +”Saddam Hussein is EVIL” 98 100 +”Ernie is EVIL” 75 69 +”Osama Bin Laden is EVIL” 61 72 +”Janet Reno is EVIL” 44 19 +”George Bush is EVIL” 39 17 +”Canada is EVIL” 19 82 +”George W. Bush is EVIL” 22 21 +”Tony Blair is EVIL” 11 12 +”Adolf Hitler is EVIL” 1 23 +”Dick Cheney is EVIL” 4 6 +”Pat Buchanan is EVIL” 3 6 +”Ghandi is EVIL” 2 5 +”Bart Simpson is EVIL” 0 1 +”Geoff Gachallan is EVIL” 0 0