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Osama Bin Laden Stealing Gasoline in Canada? Mon Apr 22, 6:45 AM ET
VANCOUVER, British Columbia (Reuters) – Police in a Vancouver suburb are searching for Osama bin Laden (news – web sites) — or at least a man who last week used the name of the Saudi-born militant to steal some gasoline.
The suspect drove up in a luxury Jaguar car and used a credit card on a gasoline pump in Port Moody, British Columbia, but the station attendant became suspicious after the man had left.
The fake credit card had a stolen account number and listed the customer’s name as Osama bin Laden.
“I guess that shows the guy’s sense of humor,” Port Moody police spokesman Brian Soles said Friday.
The suspect was described as a Middle Eastern male in his mid-30s and 5’7″ tall.
“He’s bit young and short to be the real thing,” said Soles, noting the man also lacked bin Laden’s beard.
The incident occurred on April 12, but Soles said witnesses have reported seeing the man’s car in Port Moody since then. “It looks like he’s still in the area,” he said.