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Hooray! Canada’s fucked too! A Canadian VC whom we all know and love makes a big showing! Go Canada!

Amid all of the whining and Back Bacon jokes in the FuckedCompany forums, I dug up this little gem:

> So this Canadian guy’s car breaks down and he knocks on the nearest farmhouse
> door. The farmer opens the door and hearing of his predicament, tells him,
> “It’s too late to drive to town, stay here for the night and we’ll drive into
> town in the morning.”
> “There’s only one problem. The only open bed is in my eighteen year-old
> daughter’s room, is that ok with you?”
> So the Canadian replies, “Oh, since you don’t have any extra room, I’ll just
> sleep in my car.”

And behold the actual listing:


Hosers Canadian incubator Itemus (pretty sure that’s latin for “fucked”) has gone out of business and posted a heartbreaking letter on their homepage… they were the ones who bought Shooting Gallery, the movie production company (claim to fame: Sling Blade) turned Internet consultancy. When: 8/1/2001 Company: Itemus Severity: 100 – new hall of fame inductee! Points: 200 148 comments in the Happy Fun Slander Corner!