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—— Forwarded Message From: Mike Masnick Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 09:45:05 -0700 To: “Jeff Barr” , Subject: Re: Former Yahoo CEO ‘Outed’ As eBay User

Yes, but I blame Auctionwatch for not including the following links:

Koogle’s been a pretty busy eBay’er lately: d=virginiadude&completed=1&all=1&rows%

but you’ll be happy to know that he’s been a model eBay citizen since he first got addicted to the site in ’98.

Though, someone over at Techdirt questioned why it looks like he outbid himself for the Aston Martin:


At 09:34 AM 4/10/01 -0700, Jeff Barr wrote:>So much for practicing what you preach:
>Former Yahoo CEO ‘Outed’ As eBay User
>by Andy Roe
>April 9, 2001, 3 p.m. PT
>One of the attractions of online auctions is the anonymity that they
>provide. But just because buyers and sellers are known by their usernames
>doesn’t mean that anonymity is necessarily guaranteed.
>Just ask “virginiadude.”
>That’s the eBay username of former Yahoo CEO Tim Koogle, who last week was
>”outed” by the Washington Post as an eBay user–meaning that Koogle, 49,
>likes to shop on the online auction leader’s site.
>According to the Post, after stepping down as Yahoo’s CEO on March 7 (right
>after the company posted poor revenues), Koogle bought several items on
>eBay, including an Aston Martin for $130,000, a black Versace leather wallet
>for $154.59, and more.
>News of Koogle’s online auction habits–that is, his bypassing Yahoo
>Auctions in favor of eBay–caused more than a few snickers in the AW Message
>”If he had just purchased the car on eBay I could understand,” said reston
>ray in a Message Center thread. “Not many options for buying that item [on
>Yahoo Auctions]. But it looks like he is a regular shopper for all sorts of
>things. AND he got out bid on a pair of jeans! Now that’s funny! Sort of
>like finding out that Sam Walton did all his shopping at Sears.”
>One AW member reported that Koogle changed his eBay username after it became
>public knowledge. Another user complained that such information invaded
>Koogle’s privacy and should have never been made public in the first place.
>The Post said it contacted Koogle via email to get his comments and received
>the following reply: “I don’t appreciate this invasion of privacy and would
>respectfully ask you to refrain from publishing any supposed transactions.
>The Post’s response? “Invasion of privacy? Come on, dude, it’s the World
>Wide Web!”

—— End of Forwarded Message