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This week the Molson family, having ceased their sponsorship of Molson’s Hockey Night in Canada, are further de-verticalizing themselves. They have now unloaded one of the worst of Canada’s six embarrassingly crappy NHL hockey teams (competition is stiff this year).

Most major Canadian companies (except Bombardier) have long since left the province of Quebec thanks to the separatist movement, and any potential suitors from ROC (Rest Of Canada) are too frightened by Jacques Parizeau’s cronies to make any significant investments in the province.

So now the pride of Francophone Canada (once the pride of all Canadians) is owned by an American, after the best French-Canadian potential owner they could spring was Celine Dion, who lives in Florida.

What’s ironic, though, is that this is the first time that a major cultural institution of French Canada has been attacked, partially as a result of their own skullduggery.

This article, though, is quick to assign blame to the Canadian government for overtaxing hockey. Huh? Isn’t hockey a business?
