Virginity Endangered?! Highest Bidder Wins Date With Diff’rent Strokes Star Gary Coleman On UGO/Gary Coleman Celebrity Auction
New, Previously Unannounced Items Also Up For Grabs
Former child star Gary Coleman told Howard Stern that he’s still a virgin at age 31, so UGO Networks, Inc.,UnderGroundOnline, (, announced today that it plans to auction off an extravagant night on the town with Gary Coleman. The highest bidder will win an all expense paid trip to Manhattan to spend the night eating and drinking with Coleman. The night on the town begins with dinner at Lucky Cheng’s, New York’s infamous drag queen themed restaurant, and continues with drinks and dancing at Veruka, a celebrity hotspot.
Now in its second week, the Gary Coleman Web-a-Thon continues to raise money for the former child star who is in desperate need after declaring bankruptcy in August.
“We love Gary Coleman here at UGO and we want him to be happy,” said Joe Robinson, Chairman UGO Networks. “We think a night on the town will help him leave his troubles in the past.”
“I’m looking forward to meeting the lovely lady who bids on the date,” said Gary Coleman, “I know there is a woman out there who is looking for a true gentleman like myself.”
Gary Coleman fans can also bid at the online auction for previously unannounced items like Coleman’s Web Cam; a Hollow World hat (from the arcade where Gary used to be a tour guide); his favorite book (Union Pacific’s Sherman Hill In The Diesel Era); his “Word Search” book and an original photo of the star from a sexy modeling shoot. Additional items for auction include items donated by celebrities including, Derek Jeter and Chuck Knoblauch of the New York Yankees, music groups Korn and Len, and The Sopranos stars Michael Rappaport and Paul Schulze.
Additionally, fans who donate money to UGO’s Gary Coleman Celebrity Web-a-Thon will not go away empty handed. Besides the satisfied feeling of helping someone less fortunate during the holiday season, fans will be rewarded with premiums including: Gary Coleman votive candles; Gary Coleman Zippo Lighters; Gary Coleman Commemorative Plates; UGO stickers; Gary Coleman stickers and “Save Me” t-shirts. The site also features online comedy phone sex with the star, a 3d rendering of a hip hop dancing Gary, and a Thanksgiving oriented flash animation featuring Gary’s voice as well as plenty of other entertaining content. All this can be found at
About UGO Networks, Inc.
UGO Networks, Inc., UnderGroundOnline, is the entertainment mecca for 18-34 year old males on the Web. UGO offers cutting edge content in the areas of music, games, TV/film, technology, and extreme sports. The UGO Network is comprised of more than 300 affiliated sites including, UGO FI, UGOdirect and, a wholly owned subsidiary of UGO. UGO Networks hosts over 4 million unique visitors each month and boasts over 225 million page views. UGO users are technologically savvy and passionate, spending an average of 1.5 hours per UGO visit.
The company is headquartered in New York, NY and can be reached at