So most of you don’t know that I have resigned from Cisco. My last day will be October 22, 1999. As of that day my email address here will cease to work.
Some of you will have some questions about what all of this means, so if you care to, read on:
:: Why did you quit?
Lots of reasons, really. I was not happy with my lifestyle in the armpit of Silicon Valley, nor was I particularly inspired by my work @ Cisco. In my neverending search for the perfect place to grow old gracelessly, I now realize that I like building services, not boxes: services that, as I am fond of saying, my Mom can use (sorry Mom!). Cisco’s headquarters is also becoming just another big company. I actually had substantially less res- istance trying to get things done at BC TEL than at Cisco, which ironically is labels itself the perpetual startup. Finally, I just didn’t fit in — my thinking is too broad and not focused enough to be a cog in a big mac- hine, and I possess little of the arrogance / confidence, and too much of the conscience to work for such a ceaseless juggernaut.
With my luck, my next enterprise will get acquired and I’ll be stuck work- ing for them again! đŸ™‚
:: Where are you going?
Well, I will be leaving San Jose on October 29th, driving the coastal high- way with my friend Mark and generally enjoying a good weekend taking our sweet-ass time getting home. My stuff will be put into storage in San Jose as the future unfolds, meanwhile..
For the next two months I will be living in a furnished suite in Downtown Vancouver, at 1821 Robson Street, here:
:: No, I mean, what will you be doing?
Officially, I will be very busy performing consulting duties for several companies in Canada and the US. I will maintain prior trade show speaking engagements on behalf of some of these clients, will still be travelling a great deal, and will be happy. Yes, there is something else brewing, and no, I can’t tell you because I’d have to kill you. Maybe in November.
:: How do I get a hold of you?
For the interim, call my mobile @ 408 921-4873 or, until Oct. 29th call my home @ 408 564-2523. After that, check my home page for more info as to my number: My email address will revert once again to: ian [at] cafe [dot] net.
:: Are you walking away from another car lease?
Actually, this time I’m probably just going to buy the Passat outright. I like the car, it goes real fast, and since it’s got California emissions it will pretty much pass anyone’s smog-check in the world.
:: What about Oscar the cat?
Oscar misses me. He will be my roommate once more! He’s mad at Maggie & Dennis for removing his claws and turning him into a candy-ass.
:: Are you happy?
Now I am. Thanks for asking.