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That’s 5 Degrees. You’re OK.

Anybody else?


Kelly Tompkins wrote:>
> Ian:
> I am sorry, I was unaware of this rule. My girlfriend Reva has a Friend Koa
> who is going out with Steven who is making a movie with yes you guessed in
> Kevin. I will sadly depart from this list now. I am going to miss you guys!
> Kelly
> At 06:33 PM 10/4/99 -0700, you wrote:
> >
> >
> >As you all know, one of the founding principles of this list is that no one
> >fewer than three degrees of separation away from Kevin Bacon can be on this
> >list.
> >
> >As it turns out, I almost ruled myself out with this regulation.
> >
> >(Step One) I work with Don Pitchford, here at Cisco.
> >(Step Two) Don’s cousin Dean wrote the screenplay (and theme song) for
> > the movie “Footloose”.
> >(Step Three) Kevin Bacon, of course, is the star of Footloose.
> >
> >
> >Close one.
> >
> >-Ian.
> >
> >