Comments for Ian Andrew Bell Ian Bell's opinions are his own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Ian Bell Tue, 23 Jun 2020 22:39:13 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on The Fox and the Hedgehog: Which one are you? by Jude Boudreaux Mon, 08 Apr 2013 15:41:03 +0000 Love the summary of the hedgehog concept, been talking to clients about this a lot lately and will be sending them your blog! Thanks!

Comment on About by petetoth Thu, 04 Apr 2013 09:48:32 +0000 #comment-2017 In reply to Scot Tie.

Is that you Colin??? 🙂

Comment on About by petetoth Thu, 04 Apr 2013 09:46:34 +0000 #comment-2016 In reply to Scot Tie.


Comment on About by Scot Tie Fri, 15 Mar 2013 03:50:05 +0000 #comment-2015 Compucenter is hiring. You want a job?

Comment on More photos, little information from C-17 crash at Bagram by jeff farris Tue, 05 Mar 2013 06:34:09 +0000 In reply to James.

Hi james…I was the ground crew..and yes…the pilot…and copilot did not lower the gear. I have additional photos of the incident. Farris

Comment on Apple’s Massive Cash Glut by Christian Mon, 28 Jan 2013 12:48:54 +0000 In reply to Irvin Walkes.

Very true.. Sadly any company that is willing to make that much is also not willing to part with any of it.

Comment on Why the iPad as a PC could be a Bad Idea by SpaceCadet Sat, 03 Nov 2012 03:28:29 +0000 Interesting final thought, I assume creativity & originality is lost and all you get is people ripping off stuff thats been done before. A bit like Hollywood for the last ten years.

Comment on Apple’s Massive Cash Glut by Irvin Walkes Fri, 26 Oct 2012 02:48:00 +0000 Since they make a large portion of cash off creative types. If they haven’t already done this it would be cool if there was scholarships grants or competitions towards art/graphic arts/music/ film & animation. If they put 1% into a program like that they’d look like champs, people would think they gave a damn instead of coming up with something that could fit between the iphone and ipad.

Comment on In Response to Loreena McKennitt on Copyright by George Wilkins Thu, 11 Oct 2012 13:44:55 +0000 I am about two years too late to weigh in here but I do find her music beautiful, and even calming and therapeutic for my poor wife suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease. I can sympathize with artists who are creative and receive no compensation because people can obtain it for free. What would happen if people could drive cars off the lot for free? There is an argument there. Do you have that kind of talent? If you did would you be upset that your products were being “driven off the lot free of charge?

Comment on Dear Dell Canada, here’s why we won’t be speaking anymore.. by cheryl marko Sat, 06 Oct 2012 03:28:55 +0000 I am the same way…Im soo peeved off with dell right now that I will never buy a dell product again….Usually the saying goes the customer is always right….not in this case. I purchased a streak 5 tablet from Rogers wireless in Sept of 2011…Now I cant remember all the dates…but the first time I called rogers and told them the phone wasnt working…I think was in early January of 2012 and they sent me another phone and I sent back the phone that wasnt working….then in I think around April the phone stopped working again….it wouldnt charge so again I called Rogers and I was told to take it to one of their stores and send it out for repairs…I did that and they sent me another new phone….then in May the phone stopped working again….I called Rogers again and again I did the same thing…..when I received my 3rd phone it stopped working again in July again I called Rogers and again I had to go the store and send it away for repairs….in the mean time I found out that they werent repairing the phones they were sending me refurbished phones because they stopped making that phone. Well after the 4th replacement…I got fed up and called Dell thinking that its their phone they should do something about it….and I agree no one there you can understand…no body speaks english….so the guy I talked to was sending me out another refurbished phone and I told him no I dont want another phone because its just gonna stop working again….but no he send me out another dam phone…that was the beginning of August of 2012….and the middle of September of course the phone stopped working again…..but because its now out of warranty they wont do anything about it….I almost fell on the floor when he told me that….they want me to pay for another phone because this one is out of warranty and I said NO….this is your fault…this is your phone and you need to take responsibility for this….all they had to say was im sorry but because the phone is out of warranty they cant do anything about it…Im still trying to get them to try and fix this matter….I dont believe that I should have to pay for another phone when they kept sending me refurbished phones and they knew they were….they never told me that they were all refurbished….so now im stuck without a phone….because I cant afford to pay for another tablet…..and I talked to Rogers about this and they said the best they could do is give me an out of warranty phone…but they have no tablet and I want a tablet..oh yea and I would have to pay another 200.00 for another phone because they dont have tablets that you can use as a phone. But I dont think I should have to pay anything….So right now Im stuck….no phone and no respect for their customers….tell me what should I do…help….thanks for reading….Cheryl
