Comments on: Why WOULDN’T you buy an iPhone? Ian Bell's opinions are his own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Ian Bell Sun, 21 Jun 2009 18:57:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Apple MacBook Sun, 21 Jun 2009 18:57:46 +0000 If only the prices were better suited in the UK!
I love the iPhone, but you can get so much more, contract wise, with another phone.

By: J Grants Thu, 18 Jun 2009 08:08:08 +0000 With that low price tag, the masses may flood the stores for the new i-phone.

By: Mark Tue, 16 Jun 2009 01:13:56 +0000 Great point, Ian. Clearly, anyone who has spent time with me over the last few months has scarcely seen my iPhone out of my hands. But what I find interesting to note is that my interest in a data-driven phone device was at an all-time low – why?

Because I used to have a Blackberry for work. Now granted, it was little more than an electronic leash (seeing as my former employer found it fit to castrate the device into little more than a fancy calendar with email and a crappy phone.

But to me it was just an expensive way to get “always-on” connectivity. So when I left that company and had to get a phone of my own, I chose the simple (yet stylish) Motorola Razr – a phenomenal phone that did text messaging well. My only gripe with it was that the battery would die rather quickly after a couple of years – a $60 fix.

When it came time to retire the Razr, I gave a brief look at the Blackberry line and the iPhone. And then I got to play around with the iPhone a little bit more since my wife had bought one a few months earlier. What I discovered was a device that puts RIM to shame. In my opinion, the only benefit that a Blackberry has over the iPhone is the keypad – and the only time that makes ANY difference is when you’re driving… and let’s face it – we prolly don’t need to text while driving. Outside of that, the iPhone is made better, has a better interface, has better connectivity, and is overall a more intuitive device. I’m now doing things with my iPhone that I never dreamed I could do with ANY device: shopping lists, interactive to-do lists, GPS directions, calculating tips, finding the nearest movies, and so on. For me, these silly little (mostly free) apps are what make the iPhone by far and away a better platform. And it’s what makes the iPhone the single best piece of high tech equipment in my house.

… and all this without the use of copy paste (coming this week!). My personal opinion: once other carriers can get their hands on this – it will really explode in the market place.
