Comments on: Should Canada bail out Nortel? Ian Bell's opinions are his own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Ian Bell Fri, 27 Feb 2009 15:52:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Phil Fri, 27 Feb 2009 15:52:08 +0000 It’s ridiculous to say the govt should let NORTEL go. This one of Canada’s biggest company that has provided telephone and electronics service to canadians, and others worldwide, for years. This company has employed 10s of 1,000 of canadians and others around the world.

With all that said, the canadian govt has to bailout NORTEL. Definitely, with all the mismanagement scandals with this company, the money granted must be under strict requirements and conditions, with re-structuring plan that must be met.

However, to say the govt must let NORTEL go is being irresponsible. The govt needs workers to keep their jobs at NORTEL and for canadian consumers to keep buying NORTEL products. It’s about time the canadian govt starts helping NORTEL already.

By: Portable Wed, 11 Feb 2009 19:32:30 +0000 This whole bailout mindset makes me sick. All we’ve done the past 8 years is spend and spend, and look where we are. Why do we think spending even more will make things better? Also, do we really want to reward companies for failing? Because that is basically what it is. People are learning that if your company fails, then the government will be there to pick it up. It is the same mentality as welfare was in the 90’s. And we all know that went too far and had to be ended. Are we going to have to face an economic collapse in order for people to realize welfare for companies is not what we need?

By: Roy Pereira Fri, 06 Feb 2009 17:36:11 +0000 I may be biased, as I worked for Cisco Systems in California, but Nortel needs to be completely broken before it can be fixed.

While I grew up in Ottawa’s high tech scene (where Nortel has a huge presence), Nortel was never seen as leading-edge or innovative. In fact is was a laggard, relying on old processes and technology and selling them to customers who didn’t know any better or would blindly buy ‘Canadian’.

Just like GM, it needs to completely fail and die as all dinosaurs need to do. This will then create new opportunity in the void left behind. The smart people at Nortel will go out and be forced to build new innovation in new ventures.

By: Roland Tanglao Thu, 05 Feb 2009 23:06:42 +0000 amen! another great post! let nortel go! embrace startups! etc. !
