Comments on: Dreamhost Customer Service FAIL Ian Bell's opinions are his own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Ian Bell Thu, 30 Jul 2009 19:54:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daniel Costalis Thu, 30 Jul 2009 19:54:17 +0000 The way dreamhost allocations your apache2-httpd processes is by having as many of them open as your memory will allow. One of those processes is needed for every simultaneous connection to your website. Firefox 3.5, for example, defaults to allow 6 simultaneous connections per server. That means those 32 processes would allow for about 5-6 simultaneous visitors at optimal serving speed. if you had 6 httpd processes going, and 6 people visited your site at the same time, they would only get one download thread, and the site would load slower.

For a server with a bit more memory, this is ideal, as there is a little bit more room to work with.

Since then, dreamhost has laxed a bit on how many processes are allowed to spawn in order to keep the “smaller” servers a bit happier. 15% free memory when you only have 300 to work with is a lot different that 15% memory when you have 2 gig to work with.

The way your processes are set up according to top, you wouldn’t ever use any more memory than is already allocated, save for the php processes that would need to momentarily spawn to do some wordpress work, and with the amount of memory you have free, that would be about 4-5 at a time.

I know this is a bit old, but I commented on the parent to this post, and have a much better understand of how it all works now than before. Bottom line, is serving 5 wordpress blogs on a 300MB system is a feat. I have 8 on my 450MB system right now, and its going okay, but I know if I get ./ed or dugg, i would stand no chance.

By: Bhongky Fri, 08 May 2009 02:27:14 +0000 my web in dreamhost always eror

By: Jayce Tue, 03 Feb 2009 02:51:26 +0000 Get this problems too….

Many of my wp blogs was down and no solutions i got from them…. 🙁

By: brian Fri, 23 Jan 2009 20:48:57 +0000 having the same types of issues as u r. have u noticed any mail errors in your error.log file?

postdrop: warning: mail_queue_enter: create file maildrop/773915.31801: Permission denied

seems to be running in a loop for me
