Comments on: iPhone 3G Launch: Big media black-eye for Rogers Ian Bell's opinions are his own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Ian Bell Thu, 17 Jul 2008 05:25:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ian Thu, 17 Jul 2008 05:25:50 +0000 Haha… thanks for posting, Jeff.

That’s a very typical story for anyone who’s ever been unfortunate enough to call Rogers phone support. They’re all incentivized to get off the call as quickly as possible, none of them know what other departments do what, and it typically takes 4 humans and an hour of hold time to get to someone who can (much less to say wants to) help you.

By: Jeff Thu, 17 Jul 2008 03:53:20 +0000 Too funny… the day before the release of the iphone I noticed a posting in front of my local Rogers store advising that they only had 4 iphones available for sale on Friday, luckily I was departing the country that morning, so I decided to call in my order instead… I waited 5 minutes to speak to the first person, they said they would need to transfer me to the iphone department, I waited another 15 minutes but the person I was transfered to advised that I received the iphone new subscription dept and they would have to transfer me to the iphone upgrade dept, the representative from Rogers advised me that I would not have to wait long… well go figure I waited 55 minutes then I finally hung up.

I decided to call customer service to file my complaint, they apologized and gave me a $50 credit and said they would process my order but they would need to transfer me to the iphone dept to look at all the plans, before she transferred me I asked for confirmation that the iphone had been ordered, she said yes… guess wait I waited another 30 minutes on hold and finally hung up…

I decided to call customer service again to confirm that my phone had been ordered; well I was advised that it had not been ordered. After another 25 minutes I was advised that my phone had been ordered… now the phone was confirmed but it could not be shipped til I confirmed the plan which would mean I would be transferred again to the dreaded iphone dept… I had one option as it seems everyone outside of the iphone dept only knows of the $30 6gb plan, so I decided to forego all my options and purchase that plan… which I was advised would start billing immediately…

To make a long story short my iphone arrived in the mail days ago…

By: Jason Mon, 14 Jul 2008 11:22:40 +0000 From what I heard, not even everyone got a granola bar…

Did anyone really expect better from these guys?

By: Shane Birley Mon, 14 Jul 2008 05:57:32 +0000 I am sticking by my conviction not to purchase an iPhone from Rogers. I am going to wait as long as I can…perhaps an Android phone.

By: Alex Davies Sat, 12 Jul 2008 17:24:14 +0000 I agree with everything in this post….and was at the Toronto launch with a friend who ended up leaving the line to have to go to another store to find a 16gb
i have posted over 70 pics of the event on
