Comments on: Rachel Marsden: On the warpath again! Ian Bell's opinions are his own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Ian Bell Sat, 10 Oct 2009 02:22:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: andy Sat, 10 Oct 2009 02:22:56 +0000 had a run in with her this past sept…she friended me and the name was familar. I emailed her back and forth for about a week. I started to read all the stuff on the internet and questioned her about it . She said she wanted to paris so i put her in touch with some military friends in Nyc who were in from paris. Because they emailed her from NYC and not Paris she accused them of lying took herself off facebook and blocked her her tweets. Someone in missouri made a critical comment about one of her articles …she had the nuts to go on line put my name in and say i had been stalking her for the past 3 yrs and i threatened to come and visit her…i never met her …never talked to her never physically been in the same room….and trust me i NEVER WILL

By: Ian Wed, 30 Apr 2008 02:43:34 +0000

I never noticed that one of the allures of the original auction on eBay was allegedly Jimmy Wales’ semen stain.

You’re a class act, sister!

By: Ian Sun, 13 Apr 2008 03:26:12 +0000 Update: Apparently, Rachel Marsden has nothing better to do than commenting on Valleywag:

By: kevin Mon, 10 Mar 2008 19:39:49 +0000 I just wanted to tell you that you were dead on about the iPhone SDK at

With Apple’s “one app at a time” implementation, we will be severely limited when it comes to any app that deals with incoming/outgoing data. Games and the like might be fine but really useful stuff will be compromised severely. I just hope that there is some kind of work-around or Apple will allow apps to run in the background to some extent.
