Comments on: Dear Dell Canada, here’s why we won’t be speaking anymore.. Ian Bell's opinions are his own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Ian Bell Sat, 06 Oct 2012 03:28:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: cheryl marko Sat, 06 Oct 2012 03:28:55 +0000 I am the same way…Im soo peeved off with dell right now that I will never buy a dell product again….Usually the saying goes the customer is always right….not in this case. I purchased a streak 5 tablet from Rogers wireless in Sept of 2011…Now I cant remember all the dates…but the first time I called rogers and told them the phone wasnt working…I think was in early January of 2012 and they sent me another phone and I sent back the phone that wasnt working….then in I think around April the phone stopped working again….it wouldnt charge so again I called Rogers and I was told to take it to one of their stores and send it out for repairs…I did that and they sent me another new phone….then in May the phone stopped working again….I called Rogers again and again I did the same thing…..when I received my 3rd phone it stopped working again in July again I called Rogers and again I had to go the store and send it away for repairs….in the mean time I found out that they werent repairing the phones they were sending me refurbished phones because they stopped making that phone. Well after the 4th replacement…I got fed up and called Dell thinking that its their phone they should do something about it….and I agree no one there you can understand…no body speaks english….so the guy I talked to was sending me out another refurbished phone and I told him no I dont want another phone because its just gonna stop working again….but no he send me out another dam phone…that was the beginning of August of 2012….and the middle of September of course the phone stopped working again…..but because its now out of warranty they wont do anything about it….I almost fell on the floor when he told me that….they want me to pay for another phone because this one is out of warranty and I said NO….this is your fault…this is your phone and you need to take responsibility for this….all they had to say was im sorry but because the phone is out of warranty they cant do anything about it…Im still trying to get them to try and fix this matter….I dont believe that I should have to pay for another phone when they kept sending me refurbished phones and they knew they were….they never told me that they were all refurbished….so now im stuck without a phone….because I cant afford to pay for another tablet…..and I talked to Rogers about this and they said the best they could do is give me an out of warranty phone…but they have no tablet and I want a tablet..oh yea and I would have to pay another 200.00 for another phone because they dont have tablets that you can use as a phone. But I dont think I should have to pay anything….So right now Im stuck….no phone and no respect for their customers….tell me what should I do…help….thanks for reading….Cheryl

By: MARK CAMPHAUG Fri, 04 Nov 2011 16:03:22 +0000 CLASSIC DELL DOUBLE-SPEAK…

I purchased a Dell Inspirion 2 years ago for my son to go away to college. It has been in and out for service. Over the last 3 months it has been in and out 3 times – each time he is without a laptop for 2 weeks. It was in again last week and sent back “repaired” except it wasn’t. Now they want him to send it in again for a “throrough” check???? I simply want them to replace this lemon or at least commit to that “if” it craps again – which they obviously know will happen based on the following email string…


Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2011 07:45:50 +0530
Subject: Dell contact : HQ23DN1


This is in reference to conversation we had over the telephone. I understand that the system was taken to depot 2 different times, request you to send the system this time and if the issue is not resolve we will definitely go ahead and see what best can be done from dell end

Our priority is to ensure that the issue is resolved to your satisfaction. Please respond back with a date and time along with an alternate Telephone number and when we can reach you to assist you further. Alternately you can choose to respond by replying to this mail.

Noor Sadiya
Team Resolution Expert
Dell | Canada Technical Support Supervisor.

From: M Camphaug []
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 8:00 AM
To: Sadiya, Noor
Subject: RE: Dell contact : HQ23DN1

Hi Sadiya,

During our phone conversation you committed to “replacing” the laptop if the issue goes unresolved “this time”. I asked you to send an email to support that statement because I was made the same promise by Dell in the past when I was sold the warranty extension and it was not honoured.

As I suspected you have conveniently skirted your verbal commitment and not committed in writing – “if the issue is not resolve we will definitely go ahead and see what best can be done from dell end. Our priority is to ensure that the issue is resolved to your satisfaction.” this is not the same commitment you made on the phone prior to ending the call – what you said was that if the laptop was not fixed “this time” (and for the record it is the 3rd time – not the 2nd) “that it would be replaced”.

At this point I have absolutely no faith in Dell. It is clear that what you say and what you actually do are two very different things. I will begin my personal camaign to “spread the word”. I have been a loyal Dell client for over 12 years and personally own or have owned 12 Dell computers.

Regards, Mark Camphaug

Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2011 19:43:52 -0700
Subject: RE: Dell contact : HQ23DN1

Hello sir,

Don’t worry we will go ahead and give you a system exchange if the issue is not resolved even after you have the send the system to depot and if the issue is not fixed and if the same issue persist. Please consider this email as a confirmation about the same for the system with the service tag : HQ23DN1


Noor Sadiya
Dell | Canada Technical Support Supervisor.

Subject: RE: Dell contact : HQ23DN1
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2011 10:01:19 -0400

Dear Sadiya,

I’m sorry but I can barely understand what you are trying to say – save for the fact that you have identified you will replace the system if it is the “same” issue. I expect the system replacement to occur if I have “ANOTHER” issue with this laptop. Failing that I will proceed as I see fit. As I mentioned, my son is in college – it costs $18K a year – HE HAS NO WORKING LAPTOP – and hasn’t for over a month!!!! I will pursue any and all costs associated with Dell’s failure to provide a “reasonable” solution. We have been back and forth with this same issue for over 4 months. The computer has supposably been repaired three tmes now. The primary issue remains – that issue being – my son does not have a functional laptop – END OF STORY. I don’t need anymore double-speak – I WANT THE LAPTOP REPLACED IMMEDIATELY – this is ridiculous. The energy that has gone into this is is 5 times the cost of replacing the laptop. Now you want to have to back to the Depot to perform a “thorough” check???? What was done last time (last week) – an unthorough check?

As promised I will escalate my situation until it has been resolved to MY satisfaction.

Please forward this email to your supervisor.


Mark Camphaug

By: Pat Kerr Wed, 12 Jan 2011 20:23:46 +0000 Dell Fraud…..
I cancelled an order after a frustrating encounter with support. It was a 2K laptop. well imagine my suprise when I receive the wireless mouse I ordered a week later. This made me go online and check and found they had re entered my order the next day without my knowledge. well I freaked on them and they cancelled the order and asked me to ship back mouse. Because of the holidays and a scheduled vacation I was not able to even after they called asking for it on Christmas eve. These orders were on the 15 and 16th of Dec. and i checked online and they showed as cancelled.Well imagine my shock when I received a laptop today. I went online and it appears that they re entered the order on dec 22nd again without my knowledge. Is that not fraud?? I have not called them back yet because I am too mad at the moment to talk to a call center in India that is clueless. I figure I have a free laptop but of course judging by my experience I am afraid that they will screw up my bank information. Lets see what they say tomorrow. I am willing to close the bank account that I gave them for fear of fraud by forigners..Grrrrrrrrr

By: William M Tallon Fri, 27 Aug 2010 22:25:34 +0000 Here’s my e-mail which I attempted to send to Dell. This, of course, also proved impossible.

I tried desperately to purchase a Netbook through your website on Friday morning, devoting at least an hour to the ultimately fruitless quest.

After all my credit card information had been accepted, I was asked to provide an account password which I did not have and the site defied all my attempts to circumvent this before ultimately shutting me out.

My call to customer service resulted in a 10-minute hold, a transfer to another customer service rep, then a transfer to sales (after being promised that I would not have to wait). I gave up after being on hold for another 10 minutes.

So, congratulations. You have not only lost my order due to your inefficiency and neglect. I have been loyal to Dell, purchasing my desktop at home and my laptop at work from your company.

I now will be looking to do my business with a company which seems to want to accomodate me when it comes to spending money. I’ll also spread the word to anyone shopping that they would be well advised not to attempt to deal with you.

Yours frustratedly,

William M Tallon

By: Judy Kiekens Sun, 04 Apr 2010 18:11:54 +0000 Just to clarify my previous remarks – Dell substituted the 8100 for the 8000 (not the other way around). The 8000 is no longer available – I wonder why – it never ever worked properly for me – it turns out the video card was faulty from the very beginning.) Also my previous remarks are a very shortened version of what actually happened. I have copies of many emails, made a record of one telephone call which took 45 minutes of my time and nothing resolved. And Yes, it is unusual to get someone that has English as their first language, which only compounds all the problems. In addition, they often transfer you to the US Customer Service, even when you tell them you ordered from Canada) and of course, US Customer Service cannot help a Canadian. Round round we go. There’s far more I could tell you, but I am tired of this whole situation and tired of talking and typing about it.

By: Judy Sun, 04 Apr 2010 11:35:33 +0000 I recently ! purchased a new PC from Dell. I received cruel and unusual treatment as a customer. Ordered PC Dec./09 received faulty PC in Feb. after many delays, Dell thought it was the monitor causing problems (it wasn’t) and asked me to send it back, sending me a refurbished one in its place (I paid for a NEW one BTW). When I realized it was refurbished, I asked for a new one, after many many emails, telephone calls (where you are cut off, sent to the wrong department, for 45 minutes at a time, etc. etc. I finally got a new monitor .in March 2010. Got new PC finally in March. This is after many, many more emails, telephone calls, etc. So frustrating to be transferred to the wrong dept. so many times. Now I discovered that I ordered a 8000 PC and they replaced it with a 8100 PC which lists for $100.00 less than the PC I paid for. (They did give me a credit on my credit card of $99.99, but this was before they sent the 8100 PC and they said the refund was for all my inconvenience – nothing to do with substituting a different PC.) You can imagine the toll all this has taken on me. I am 71 years of age, Diabetic, have high blood pressure among a few other things, and this terrible experience has even affected my health. I still have not received any satisfaction regarding the last stunt they pulled – ie. – substituting the 8000 (which they no longer sell) for the 8100 and the $100.00 difference in the sale price. I’m not holding my breath. Beware when dealing with Dell!

By: David Tue, 23 Feb 2010 03:17:46 +0000 Dell financial services is so bad…

They simply dont want to help me to change my adress.
How do they expect me to make my paiments when i cant see my bills?

By: Aimee Sun, 21 Feb 2010 00:56:44 +0000 Here is the letter that I have just tried to send to Dell but to no avail because their online complaints form wasn’t working.

I want to know what happened to make your service so unfathomably awful. I have emailed you three times now and received not even one reply. But I know that you have my email address because you send all kinds of unwanted junk email my way as often as possible.

I had an extremely frustrating week of trying to purchase a Dell computer online and trying to contact someone to help me complete the purchase, first online (the chat feature did not function properly and when I finally was able to get through I was cut off), then by phone (for the three days that I tried I continued to get the same message telling me that the lines were too busy and I needed to try again later), and finally by email (no response to any of my messages).

If this is the kind of effort you put into customer service when a sale is at stake I wonder what happens to your customers once their money is safely in your pockets.

***Sent from my new and entirely satisfactory Acer Aspire, purchased in a day with in-person help from three friendly, knowledgeable, helpful sales staff.***

By: Jan Wed, 07 Oct 2009 23:42:54 +0000 In reply to Isabel Horvath.

Hi Isabel and to all people on Here.

I read through some of the stories and for a second I was believing them and feeling sorry, some I even wanted to help out in some cases. However when I pulled up the notes on the system no one ever talks about what dell provided to correct the situation or go over and beyond.

Yes it is true all big companies will have faults and create difficult situations with their customers search hp search IBM search Acer and all will have some sort of complaint site. Though no one ever talks about how companies fix problems I am not sure why Isabel didn’t comment or talk about what Dell provided her with for her time.

I will always do business with companies that are willing to fix their problems and go above the call of duty. I had a problem with sears and yes I had to deal with numerous reps and spend time on the phone but at the end of the day they fixed my problem.

Show me one company that has a hold time of 1 minute and a rep that can solve all problems without a hold time or without being transfer. Oh yeah almost forgot a company that has call centre in Canada. There isn’t one and for someone to thing that there is a magic company out there that is always going to get everything right and be your best friend think again. Stick with the ones that do want and will fix their problems.

By: Doug Wed, 07 Oct 2009 22:59:10 +0000 Hey Ian,

I would be great if you could update everyone on the status of the issue as i don’t think you just laid down and take 8 20 inch monitors for the price of 8 24 inch monitors.
