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Canada Wants To Tax Digital Media [MP3] Players

This frosts my hide. It’s wrong for so many reasons. Not only is the Canadian government treading into uncharted waters with a tax on a medium that they are ill-equipped to understand, but they’re merely serving to further entrench a music industry that...

Here Comes Krispy Kreme

If you don’t already know what Krispy Kreme Doughnuts are, well, I’m sorry about that. This Salon article will help you: For the already ordained, Krispy Kremes are the guilty pleasure of millions...

An “American Patriot” is Actually a Canadian..

To further confirm that Americans fervently believe that all white people are born in the U.S., NASA chief Dan Goldin praises Canadian James Cameron as “an American Patriot” before a congressional inquiry. I saw “Titanic”. They can have...

[Red Herring] Blackberry picked to be the American I-mode Blackberry picked to be the American I-mode By Om Malik, December 05, 2000 Michael Dell has one, Marc Andreessen does not leave home without it, and it is a must-have accessory for every...

More Info About Ian..

They’re doing bios of the people at one of the companies I’m working with, for their investors, so I was asked to jot down some informat- ion about myself. I was told to “make it interesting”. Apologies to Mom & Dad. You’d never toss...